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The Opposite Sex

The Opposite Sex


The Opposite Sex

You see a boy and girl holding hands as they stroll down the school corridor between classes. How do you feel?

□ Don’t care

□ Slightly jealous

□ Completely envious

You’re at the movies with friends when you realize that everyone is paired off​—except you! How do you feel?

□ No problem

□ Somewhat awkward

□ Very jealous

Your best friend has recently begun showing interest in a member of the opposite sex and is now dating. How do you feel?

□ Happy

□ Slightly envious

□ Resentful

Boy and girl, girl and boy. They’re everywhere you look​—in school, on the street, at the mall. Each time you see them, you feel a powerful urge to be part of that unit called a couple. But are you ready to date? If you are, how can you find someone who’s right for you? If you do find someone, how can you keep the relationship clean while dating? Chapters 1-5 will help you answer those questions.

[Full-page picture on page 12, 13]