Appreciating God’s Compassions
Song 152
Appreciating God’s Compassions
1. O what riches, knowledge, wisdom,
Do reside in God the Lord!
How unsearchable his judgments,
Nor has man his ways explored!
Who of us has given counsel
Or to him has rendered aid,
That to us he’d be indebted
Or that we should be repaid?
2. For Jehovah’s great compassion,
Let us gratitude express
And devote our living bodies
To the God of righteousness.
Having made a dedication,
Let us e’er to it be true,
With the power of our reason,
Doing all that we can do.
3. Not to worldly ways conforming,
May we have our minds renewed
By the truth’s transforming power
And with faith be e’er imbued.
Ever praying for God’s blessing,
Let us serve with lowly mind
And show love for one another;
Thus true peace and joy we’ll find.