Christ Our Exemplar
Song 205
Christ Our Exemplar
1. What love Jehovah showed, what goodness from him flowed,
When to this earth he sent his Son!
Christ came as heav’nly Bread, that mankind might be fed
And life eternal might be won.
2. Christ Jesus told the way that we to God should pray:
‘O let your name be sanctified.
Your heav’nly Kingdom come. Your will on earth be done.
May daily our bread be supplied.’
3. God’s truth with zeal he taught and Kingdom comfort brought
To all those who his message heard.
He died upon a tree to set all mankind free
And that he might fulfill God’s Word.
4. If we appreciate his sacrifice so great,
We’ll prove ourselves his faithful sheep.
Like him, we’ll let God’s praise be filling all our days,
And then, with him, fruit we shall reap.