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Extending Mercy to Others

Extending Mercy to Others

Song 215

Extending Mercy to Others

(Luke 6:36)

1. When Jehovah decreed that a deluge

Should destroy wicked men long ago,

Then to Noah he gave a commission:

‘Build an ark! Preach the word! Let men know!’

Now, did Noah reject that assignment,

Since he never had built arks before?

No, but he made good use of God’s mercy,

And he built and he preached more and more.

2. Now again an old order is ending,

And in mercy our God has decreed

That the news of its ending be given

So that whoever will may give heed.

Have you said, ‘I cannot preach the good news;

I am weak and untrained in my speech’?

But if you have received of God’s mercy,

Then his spirit can help you to preach.

3. God has brought truth and mercy together,

And rejoicing is found in our land.

What a foretaste of Kingdom conditions

That will come from Jehovah’s own hand!

So it’s ours to show mercy to others

By exhorting all men, far and near:

‘Act at once! Make a full dedication;

Serve the Kingdom of God that is here.’