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Fear Them Not!

Fear Them Not!

Song 27

Fear Them Not!

(Matthew 10:28)

1. Ever onward, O my people,

Let the Kingdom tidings go.

Tremble not before your foe.

Let all lovers of truth know

That my reigning Son, Christ Jesus,

From the heav’ns has cast the foe,

Soon will bind the Devil, Satan,

Letting all his victims go.


2. Though your foes be strong and many,

Though they threaten and revile,

Though they use fair speech and smile,

The unwary to beguile,

Fear them not, my faithful warriors.

Fight! Let not your heart grow faint;

For I will preserve the faithful,

Keep them free from all restraint.


3. Never fear you are forgotten;

I am still your strength and shield.

Though you die upon the field,

Even death to me will yield.

Fear them not, my Christian warriors;

Though men’s boasting threats may fly,

I will keep all who are faithful

As the apple of my eye.


Fear not those who kill the body

But cannot destroy the soul.

Faithful to the end continue;

I will help you reach your goal.