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Life Everlasting Is Promised

Life Everlasting Is Promised

Song 109

Life Everlasting Is Promised

(Psalm 37:29)

1. Life everlasting is promised

By God Almighty, supreme,

Here on this earth in perfection.

All this is no mere dream.


2. True is the promise God made us,

Soon to be grandly fulfilled:

‘Meek ones the earth will inherit.’

This is what God has willed.


3. Our God, Jehovah, assures us

That he will make all things new.

Down from the heavens will trickle

His rich blessings, like dew.


4. Jesus has fully confirmed it;

Paradise will be restored.

Then, in the new earth, Jehovah

Will be ever adored.


We can live forever.

It’s worth all endeavor.

God’s promise is faithful.

His Word will come true.