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Never-Failing Treasures

Never-Failing Treasures

Song 147

Never-Failing Treasures

(Matthew 6:20)

1. O heavenly Father, how grateful we are

That truth we do now understand!

How grand is the priv’lege your Kingdom to preach

And know that it’s really at hand!

2. Your wisdom and justice, your power and love

Warm feelings create in our hearts.

To have as our Savior Christ Jesus, your Son,

Great joy to us truly imparts.

3. Our friendship with you is a blessing indeed.

What more could we ever desire?

Your undeserved kindness that gives peace of mind

Is what we from you do acquire.

4. Good reasons we have to be thankful to you;

We know that your word will prevail.

Rich favors you shower on those whom you love.

They’re treasures that never will fail.