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Make Jehovah’s Heart Rejoice!

Make Jehovah’s Heart Rejoice!

Proverbs 27:11


  • 9:30 Music

  • 9:40 Song No. 29 and Prayer

  • 9:50 Make Jehovah’s Heart Rejoice!

  • 10:05 Symposium: Imitating Four of Jehovah’s Attributes

    • • Justice

    • • Use of Power

    • • Wisdom

    • • Love

  • 11:05 Song No. 81 and Announcements

  • 11:15 Glorify God by “Bearing Much Fruit”

  • 11:30 Dedication and Baptism

  • 12:00 Song No. 49


  • 1:10 Music

  • 1:20 Song No. 28 and Prayer

  • 1:30 Public Bible Discourse: You Can Make God Rejoice!​—How?

  • 2:00 Summary of The Watchtower

  • 2:30 Song No. 35 and Announcements

  • 2:40 Symposium: Please Jehovah in . . .

    • • Your Personal Life

    • • Your Family

    • • Your Congregation

    • • Your Community

  • 3:40 “The Joy of Jehovah Is Your Strength”

  • 4:15 Song No. 110 and Prayer