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Why is the love of money dangerous?

See “Materialism

How does the Bible show that earning money to care for one’s family is not wrong?

Ec 7:12; 10:19; Eph 4:28; 2Th 3:10; 1Ti 5:8, 18

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ge 31:38-42​—To provide for his family, Jacob works honestly for his father-in-law, Laban, who treats Jacob unfairly; yet, Jehovah blesses Jacob for his labors

    • Lu 19:12, 13, 15-23​—Jesus gives an illustration that incidentally shows that it is normal practice in his day to invest money in order to make more money

What Bible principles offer guidance regarding borrowing and lending money?

Why is it best to avoid unnecessary debt?

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ne 5:2-8​—Creditors among Governor Nehemiah’s people treat debtors with great harshness

    • Mt 18:23-25​—Jesus’ illustration reminds us that a debtor who fails to repay a loan may be punished

What precaution should a person take before entering into a business arrangement, whether with an unbeliever, a fellow believer, or even a relative?

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ge 23:14-20​—It seems that to prevent later misunderstandings and conflicts, Abraham uses witnesses to confirm the purchase of a field and a cave in which to bury Sarah

    • Jer 32:9-12​—When the prophet Jeremiah purchases land from his cousin, he draws up a deed, makes a duplicate, and carries out the transaction in front of eyewitnesses

Why is it wise to budget money carefully?

Why would Christians avoid letting a dispute over money cause division in the congregation?

How can we use our money in a way that brings real happiness?