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Index to Volume 82 of Awake!

Index to Volume 82 of Awake!

Index to Volume 82 of Awake!


Bringing Up Baby in the Wild, 1/22

Brink of Extinction, 7/22

Britain’s House Sparrows, 2/8

Butterflies, Plants, Ants, 5/22

Camels and Brumbies (Australia), 4/8

Candelabra Tree, 5/8

Can Earth’s Species Be Saved? 6/8

Chicken, 10/8

Colorful Kermodes (bears), 8/22

Entertaining Little Hunters (meerkats), 9/8

Eucalyptus—How Useful? 2/22

Living Mosaics in Montreal (flower show), 5/8

Love Song of Cricket, 6/22

Marabou—The Misjudged Bird, 8/8

Mediterranean Monk Seal, 3/8

Met a Xoloitzcuintli? (dog), 1/8

Moths, 6/8

Mussel Reveals Its Secrets, 9/22

Tree That Wakes Up Early (almond), 10/8

Tree That Will Stop You (guayacan), 3/8

Tule Tree, 11/22

Unique Floral Region (South Africa), 6/22

Vietnam’s Hidden Animals, 10/22

Web of Life (biodiversity), 11/22

When Oranges Are Not Orange, 2/8

Yew Trees in Britain’s Graveyards, 7/8


‘Experiment Failed’ (global economy), 11/8

Insurance, 2/22


AIDS Statistics, 2/22

Arthritis, 12/8

Comfort for the Sick, 1/22

Depressed Teens, 9/8

Eat Your Vegetables! 1/8

Food Safety, 12/22

Good Health for All, 6/8

Infectious Diseases, 7/22

Interstitial Cystitis, 3/8

Is Your Child Safe? (automobiles), 9/22

Life Is Worth Living (suicide), 10/22

Marfan’s Syndrome, 2/22

Medicinal Drugs, 11/8

Post-traumatic Stress, 8/22

Scleroderma, 8/8

Sentinels That Protect Health (immune system), 2/8

Slow Death to Happy Life (beta-thalassemia), 1/8

“Surgeons” With Wiggle (maggot therapy), 10/22


Child Discipline, 11/8

Epidemic of Hate, 8/8

Help for Battered Women, 11/8

Older Persons, 8/8, 8/22

Read Aloud to Children, 11/22

Saving Marriage, 1/8

Vital Role of Fathers, 8/22


Brotherhood Unshaken (El Salvador), 10/22

Coping With an Unspeakable Tragedy (J. Giarrano), 7/22

Focus of Soviet Attack, 4/22

Mozambique’s Floods, 4/22

Stories of Faith From Prison (U.S.), 11/22

Volunteers, 7/22

Work Wins Praise in Moscow, 12/22


Bound for Botany Bay (Australia), 2/8

British Museum, 12/8

Byzantine Empire, 10/8

Carlsbad Caverns (U.S.), 5/22

Carthage, 11/8

Challenges of United Germany, 3/8

Cherrapunji—One of Wettest Places (India), 5/8

City Where East Meets West (South Africa), 9/22

Glimpse of Paradise (Cabárceno Nature Park, Spain), 3/22

Gold That Moved Mountains (Spain), 1/22

Italian Cameos, 11/22

Japanese Handicraft (yosegi), 5/8

Kente—Cloth of Kings (Africa), 9/22

Korea’s Family Reunions, 8/8

Leif Eriksson—Discoverer of America? 9/22

Living Mosaics in Montreal (Canada), 5/8

Making Barren Land Fruitful (India), 4/8

Man’s Tyranny (American Indians), 11/8

Matatu—Kenya’s Carrier, 11/8

Maya, 9/8

Meteora (Greece), 8/22

Milan and Turin (Italy), 7/22

Myanmar, 12/8

Mystery of Nan Madol (Pohnpei), 1/8

Namibia’s Mobile Sculptures, 3/8

Newgrange—More Questions Than Answers? (Ireland), 5/22

Niagara Falls (North America), 7/8

On Safari in Ghana, 5/8

Panama Hat (Ecuador), 5/8

Rome’s Many Faces (Italy), 7/8

Tower of Crest (France), 4/22

Unique Floral Region (South Africa), 6/22

Vienna’s Giant Wheel, 11/8

Vietnam’s Hidden Animals, 10/22

Where Camels and Brumbies Run Wild (Australia), 4/8

Yew Trees in Britain’s Graveyards, 7/8

Youngest Rockies (U.S.), 10/22


Abandoned by Parents—Loved by God (B. Finn), 6/22

Deaf and Blind, I Found Security (J. Adams), 4/22

Glorifying Peace Instead of War (D. Horle), 4/8

God’s Name Changed My Life! (S. Tsosie), 7/8

Mama and Ten Girls (E. Lozano), 10/22

My Life as an Artist (S. Kawabata), 8/22

Slow Death to Happy Life (D. Datseris), 1/8

Sustained by Confidence in God (R. Sacksioni-Levee), 12/22

War Did Not Stop Our Preaching (L. Barlaan), 2/22


Autumn, 10/8

Collector Who Honored Creator, 1/22

Colporteurs, 12/8

Could Holocaust Happen Again? 5/8

Cross-Country Skiing, 10/8

Crossing the Line (international date line), 12/22

Crossword Puzzles, 2/8, 4/8, 6/8, 8/8, 10/8, 12/8

Diary, 8/8

Fire Extinguishers, 1/22

“Gold” of the North (amber), 5/22

Hair, 4/8

Hard Worker With Soft Touch (steel), 9/8

Killer Waves (tsunamis), 2/8

Learning From History, 3/8

Painting With Words (poetry), 6/8

Passwords (computer), 6/22

“Plague” That Is a Delicacy (huitlacoche), 12/8

Popular Celebrations (Halloween), 10/8

When Waters Turn Red (red tide), 6/8

Who’s Talking? (ventriloquism), 1/8

You Are Connected—How? (telephone), 5/22


Bible—Authentic History? 3/8

Cathedrals, 6/8

Church of England Divided, 12/22

Dalmatin Bible (Slovenian), 6/22

God’s Name a Controversy, 12/8

Soviet Attack, 4/22

Yew Trees in Britain’s Graveyards, 7/8


Aorta—Wonder of Design, 3/22

Body’s Microscopic “Trucks” (red blood cells), 11/22

Circulatory System, 3/22

Sun, 3/22

Weather Forecasting, 4/8


All Religions Lead to God? 6/8

Antichrist, 8/8

Choice of Medical Treatment, 1/8

Christian Meetings, 3/8

Dreams, Messages From God? 4/8

Fêng Shui, 12/8

God’s Use of Force, 11/8

How Tolerant Is God? 10/8

Jehovah, Tribal God of Jews? 5/8

Marriage Lifelong? 2/8

Slave Trade, 9/8

Wrong to Mourn? 7/8


Can We Grow Enough Food? 9/22

Challenges of United Germany, 3/8

Cities in Crisis, 4/8

Coping With Hectic Pace, 2/8

Drug Abuse, 7/8

Epidemic of Hate, 8/8

“Planetary Overload,” 4/22

Prisons in Crisis, 5/8

Radioactive Fallout, 2/22

Stealing Your Identity, 3/22

‘Swords Into Plowshares’—When? 3/8

Terrorism, 5/22

Tools of Death (small arms), 3/22

Volunteers, 7/22

Water—Will There Be Enough? 6/22


Angry People, 11/22

Dating, 1/22, 12/22

Getting Even, 10/22

Grandparents, 4/22, 5/22

How Can I Stop Worrying? 9/22

How Can I Turn Him Down? 3/22

Making Bible Reading Enjoyable, 8/22

Prayers, 6/22, 7/22

Sneaking Out, 2/22