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They Made the Hearts of Their Parents Rejoice

They Made the Hearts of Their Parents Rejoice

They Made the Hearts of Their Parents Rejoice

“MY SON, if your heart has become wise, my heart will rejoice, even mine.” (Proverbs 23:15) Indeed, Christian parents rejoice when their children acquire godly wisdom. On Saturday, September 10, 2005, an international group of 6,859 people attended the graduation of the 119th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. All felt their hearts swell with rejoicing, especially the parents of the 56 graduates.

David Walker, a longtime member of the United States Bethel family, opened the program with a heartfelt prayer. Then the chairman, David Splane of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, began the graduation exercises by telling those fathers and mothers: “You deserve our warm commendation. The qualities that you have cultivated in your sons and daughters have moved them to take up missionary service.” Those parents might have been anxious, since their sons and daughters would soon be off to distant assignments. However, Brother Splane reassured them: “Don’t worry about your children. Jehovah can take care of them far better than you can.” Then he said: “Think about the good that your sons and daughters will accomplish. People who suffer are going to get true comfort for the first time in their lives.”

How to Continue to Bring Joy to Others

The chairman introduced four speakers. First, Ralph Walls of the United States Branch Committee spoke on the theme “Keep Your Eyes Open.” He stressed that spiritual blindness is far worse than physical blindness. The first-century congregation in Laodicea lost its spiritual sight. The Christians in that congregation who were blind were offered help, but it is always far better to prevent such blindness by keeping our spiritual eyes open. (Revelation 3:14-18) The speaker said: “Keep your eyes open, and see responsible men as Jehovah sees them.” The graduates should not be unduly anxious if there are problems in the congregation. The Lord Jesus Christ is aware of all such things. He will see that matters are handled in due time.

Next, Samuel Herd of the Governing Body answered the question “Are You Ready?” Just as a traveler takes along the clothing he needs, so the graduates must always clothe themselves with the qualities of the new personality. They must have the compassion of Jesus. When a leper told him: “If you just want to, you can make me clean,” Jesus said: “I want to. Be made clean.” (Mark 1:40-42) The speaker then said: “If you really want to help people, you will find a way to do it.” Philippians 2:3 tells Christians to consider that “others are superior.” Brother Herd said: “Being lowly of heart is more important than having knowledge. Those you meet in your ministry and your brothers and sisters in the congregation will benefit from your knowledge only if you are humble.” He concluded by saying that if the graduates continue to clothe themselves with Christian love, they are ready to travel to their assignments, with sure success ahead.​—Colossians 3:14.

Mark Noumair, one of the Gilead instructors, created expectation with the title of his talk, “Will You Maintain It?” “It” refers to our gratitude for Jehovah’s goodness. Psalm 103:2 states: “Bless Jehovah, O my soul, and do not forget all his doings.” The Israelites showed a lack of gratitude for the manna that kept them alive, calling it “the contemptible bread.” (Numbers 21:5) As time went by, the value of the manna did not change, but their appreciation for it disappeared. The instructor said: “If you forget Jehovah’s doings and allow your foreign service to become commonplace, that will affect how you view the work Jehovah has given you.” Psalm 103:4 states that Jehovah is “crowning you with loving-kindness.” The graduates will experience God’s loving-kindness in their new congregations.

Another Gilead instructor, Lawrence Bowen, spoke on the subject “Will You Be Overtaken?” He noted that the members of the 119th class of Gilead have trained hard to be successful missionaries. But now they need to stick to Jehovah and the work he has assigned to them. At Revelation 14:1-4, the 144,000 are described as “the ones that keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes.” All in that group stick loyally to Jehovah and his Son regardless of their trials, and they reach their goal. “Come what may, we too loyally stick to Jehovah and the work he has assigned to us,” said the speaker. By doing so, the graduates will find that Jehovah’s blessings “overtake” them.​—Deuteronomy 28:2.

Producing Fruitage in Their Service

Every weekend during the course, the students shared in the field ministry. As Wallace Liverance, the school registrar, spoke with them on the program, it became evident that they had been successful. They preached the good news in at least ten languages and started a number of Bible studies. One Gilead couple began a Bible study with a Chinese man. After two visits, they asked him how he felt about getting to know Jehovah. He opened his Bible and asked them to read John 17:3. He felt that he was on the road to life.

Anthony Morris of the Governing Body then interviewed three brothers who serve on the Branch Committees of Côte d’Ivoire, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador. These brothers reassured the graduates that the Branch Committees are looking forward to their arrival and will help them adjust to their assignments.

Next, Leonard Pearson of the United States Bethel family spoke with three Branch Committee members, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Papua New Guinea, and Uganda. These brothers encouraged the graduates to get fully involved in the field ministry. One missionary couple who have spent over 21 years in the Congo have helped 60 people to dedication and baptism. That couple now conducts 30 Bible studies, and 22 of their students attend congregation meetings. With such a great spiritual harvest, now is a wonderful time to serve as a missionary.

Bearing Witness With a Spirit of Urgency

Gerrit Lösch of the Governing Body presented the final talk. His theme was “Speaking About God and Bearing Witness to Jesus in the Lord’s Day.” The words “witness,” “witnesses,” and “witnessing” occur 19 times in the book of Revelation. Thus, Jehovah leaves no doubt about the work he has for his people. When are we to give such a witness? During “the Lord’s day.” (Revelation 1:9, 10) That day began in 1914, is continuing into our time, and stretches into the future. According to Revelation 14:6, 7, the work of speaking about God has angelic support. Revelation 22:17 shows that the responsibility of directing the work of bearing witness to Jesus is entrusted to the remnant of anointed Christians. But we all must take advantage of that privilege now. In verse 20, Jesus is recorded as saying: “I am coming quickly.” Brother Lösch exhorted all present: “Call out to the people, ‘Come, take life’s water free.’ Jesus is coming quickly. Are we ready?”

Fred Rusk, who himself served as a Gilead School instructor for 11 years, ended the program with a prayer of thanks to Jehovah that touched the hearts of all in attendance. It was a fitting end to a day that had been an occasion of great rejoicing.

[Box on page 13]


Number of countries represented: 10

Number of countries assigned to: 25

Number of students: 56

Average age: 32.5

Average years in truth: 16.4

Average years in full-time ministry: 12.1

[Picture on page 15]

119th Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead

In the list below, rows are numbered from front to back, and names are listed from left to right in each row.

(1) Helgesen, S.; Daugaard, H.; Pierluissi, A.; Joseph, I.; Racanelli, C. (2) Byrge, T.; Butler, D.; Freedlun, J.; Nuñez, K.; Pavageau, C.; Doumen, T. (3) Camacho, O.; Lindqvist, L.; Broomer, A.; Wessels, E.; Burton, J.; Woodhouse, O.; Doumen, A. (4) Tirion, A.; Connally, L.; Fournier, C.; Gil, A.; Johnsson, K.; Hamilton, L. (5) Byrd, D.; Scribner, I.; Camacho, B.; Laschinski, H.; Hallahan, M.; Libuda, O. (6) Joseph, A.; Lindqvist, M.; Helgesen, C.; Nuñez, D.; Scribner, S.; Fournier, J. (7) Pierluissi, F.; Pavageau, T.; Broomer, C.; Racanelli, P.; Butler, T.; Woodhouse, M.; Libuda, J. (8) Laschinski, M.; Freedlun, S.; Burton, I.; Tirion, M.; Byrd, M.; Byrge, J. (9) Wessels, T.; Hallahan, D.; Connally, S.; Gil, D.; Daugaard, P.; Hamilton, S.; Johnsson, T.