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Aftermath of a landslide in Natonin, Mountain Province

AUGUST 14, 2019

Monsoon Rains Hit the Philippines

Monsoon Rains Hit the Philippines

In early August 2019, monsoon weather struck the Philippines with heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and landslides. Sadly, one brother who was serving as a temporary special pioneer was killed by a landslide in Natonin, Mountain Province. Another brother, who also serves as a temporary special pioneer, sustained minor injuries in the same landslide. In a separate incident, a ten-year old boy was injured by debris but received appropriate medical care.

None of our brothers’ homes were seriously damaged. However, one Kingdom Hall in Negros Occidental suffered minor damage from strong winds that caused a portion of the ceiling to fall.

The Philippines branch office and the local circuit overseer are providing spiritual and emotional support to the families of our affected brothers.

We are saddened to hear of this tragic loss and pray for those grieving the death of our brother. We look forward to the day when painful events will not even “be called to mind.”—Isaiah 65:17.