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From left to right: Brothers Vladimir Chesnokov, Vladimir Dutkin, and Valeriy Yakovlev

JANUARY 7, 2022

UPDATE | Brothers Vladimir Chesnokov, Vladimir Dutkin, and Valeriy Yakovlev Stand Trial for Their Faith in God

UPDATE | Brothers Vladimir Chesnokov, Vladimir Dutkin, and Valeriy Yakovlev Stand Trial for Their Faith in God

On April 13, 2022, the Supreme Court of the Chuvash Republic denied the appeal of Brothers Vladimir Chesnokov, Vladimir Dutkin, and Valeriy Yakovlev. Their fines will now be enforced.

On February 10, 2022, the Kalininskiy District Court of Cheboksary convicted Brothers Chesnokov, Dutkin, and Yakovlev. Brother Dutkin was fined 500,000 rubles ($6,715 U.S.), and Brothers Chesnokov and Yakovlev were each fined 400,000 rubles ($5,372 U.S.). They are not required to go to prison.

Time Line

  1. June 7, 2021

    Vladimir Chesnokov and Valeriy Yakovlev were added to the criminal case

  2. December 30, 2020

    Vladimir Dutkin was charged and placed under travel restrictions

  3. November 25, 2020

    A criminal case was initiated against Vladimir Dutkin, followed by a search of his home. He was taken for interrogation


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