Ano ki le manatu

Tosi na motou filifili

Lau pe to’o mei le Neti a tosi Fakatosi-tapu na motou filifili.



Tou Fakalogo Ki Le ’Atua Ti Ke Tou Ma’uli Loa o Le’egato

The Creator wants to guide, protect, and bless us.


Tou Fakalogo Ki Le ’Atua Ti Ke Tou Ma’uli Loa o Le’egato

The Creator wants to guide, protect, and bless us.

Tosi mo Kaupepa

Some updates made to digital publications may not yet appear in the printed editions.

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Tanaki'aga Tosi i Le Neti (opens new window)

Research Bible topics online using publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses.