Hoppa beint í efnið

Hoppa í efnisyfirlit




1. kafli

Lífið — hvernig kviknaði það?

1. Cosmos eftir Carl Sagan, 1980, bls. 328.

2. Sama, bls. 231.

3. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa Mentors, 1958, bls. 450.

2. kafli

Ágreiningur um þróunarkenninguna — hvers vegna?

1. Discover, „The Tortoise or the Hare?“ eftir James Gorman, október 1980, bls. 88.

2. The Neck of the Giraffe eftir Francis Hitching, 1982, bls. 12.

3. The Enterprise, Riverside, Kaliforníu, „Macroevolution Theory Stirs Hottest Debate Since Darwin“ eftir Boyce Rensberger, 14. nóvember 1980, bls. E9; Science, „Evolutionary Theory Under Fire“ eftir Roger Lewin, 21. nóvember 1980, bls. 883-887.

4. Natural History, „Evolutionary House­cleaning“ eftir Niles Eldredge, febrúar 1982, bls. 78, 81.

5. The Star, Jóhannesarborg, „The Evolution of a Theory“ eftir Christopher Booker, 20. apríl 1982, bls. 19.

6. The Neck of the Giraffe, bls. 7, 8.

7. New Scientist, „Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science“ eftir Michael Ruse, 25. júní 1981, bls. 828.

8. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe eftir Robert Jastrow, 1981, bls. 19.

9. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa frá 1902, fyrsti hluti, bls. 250.

10. The Enchanted Loom, bls. 96.

11. Sama, bls. 98, 100.

12. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Chicago, „Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology“ eftir David M. Raup, janúar 1979, bls. 22, 23, 25.

13. The New Evolutionary Timetable eftir Steven M. Stanley, 1981, bls. 71, 77.

14. The Enterprise, 14. nóvember 1980, bls. E9.

15. Science Digest, „Miracle Mutations“ eftir John Gliedman, febrúar 1982, bls. 92.

16. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, 6. bindi, bls. 335.

17. The New York Times, „Theory of Rapid Evolution Attacked“ eftir Bayard Web­ster, 9. júlí 1981, bls. B11.

18. Harper’s, „Darwin’s Mistake“ eftir Tom Bethell, febrúar 1976, bls. 72, 75.

19. The Neck of the Giraffe, bls. 103, 107, 108, 117.

20. The Guardian, Lundúnum, „Beginning to Have Doubts“ eftir John Durant, 4. desember 1980, bls. 15.

a. Uppruni tegundanna, inngangsorð eftir W. R. Thompson, útgáfa frá 1956, bls. xxii.

b. The New York Times, „Computer Scientists Stymied in Their Quest to Match Human Vision“ eftir William J. Broad, 25. september 1984, bls. C1.

c. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, janúar 1979, bls. 25.

3. kafli

Hvað segir sköpunarsaga Biblíunnar?

1. Old Testament Word Studies eftir William Wilson, 1978, bls. 109.

2. Putnam’s Geology eftir Edwin E. Larson og Peter W. Birkeland, 1982, bls. 66.

3. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Tyndale House Publishers, 1980, 1. hluti, ­bls. 335.

4. Aid to Bible Understanding, gefin út af Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1971, bls. 393.

a. Sama, bls. 392, 393.

b. The Lamp, „The Worlds of Wallace Pratt“ eftir W. L. Copithorne, haustið 1971, bls. 14.

4. kafli

Gat lífið kviknað af tilviljun?

1. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa Mentors, 1958, bls. 450.

2. The Selfish Gene eftir Richard Dawkins, 1976, bls. 16.

3. Sama, bls. ix.

4. The Neck of the Giraffe eftir Francis Hitching, 1982, bls. 68.

5. Evolution From Space eftir Fred Hoyle og Chandra Wickramasinghe, 1981, bls. 8.

6. The Origins of Life on the Earth eftir Stanley L. Miller og Leslie E. Orgel, 1974, bls. 33.

7. The Neck of the Giraffe, bls. 65.

8. Sama.

9. Sama.

10. Scientific American, „Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life“ eftir Richard E. Dickerson, september 1978, bls. 75.

11. Scientific American, „The Origin of Life“ eftir George Wald, ágúst 1954, ­bls. 49, 50.

12. The Origin of Life eftir John D. Bernal, 1967, bls. 144.

13. Evolution From Space, bls. 24.

14. New Scientist, „Darwinism at the Very Beginning of Life“ eftir Leslie Orgel, 15. apríl 1982, bls. 151.

15. Evolution From Space, bls. 27.

16. The Neck of the Giraffe, bls. 66.

17. Scientific American, september 1978, bls. 73.

18. The Sciences, „The Creationist Revival“ eftir Joel Gurin, apríl 1981, bls. 17.

19. Scientific American, september 1978, bls. 85.

20. New Scientist, 15. apríl 1982, bls. 151.

21. Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature eftir Francis Crick, 1981, bls. 71.

22. The Plants eftir Frits W. Went, 1963, bls. 60.

23. Evolution From Space, bls. 30, 31.

24. Sama, bls. 130.

25. The Selfish Gene, bls. 14.

26. Evolution From Space, bls. 31.

27. Scientific American, ágúst 1954, bls. 46.

28. The Immense Journey eftir Loren Eiseley, 1957, bls. 200.

29. Sama, bls. 199.

30. Physics Bulletin, „A Physicist Looks at Evolution“ eftir H. S. Lipson, 1980, 31. árg., bls. 138.

31. Daily Express, Lundúnum, „There Must Be a God“ eftir Geoffrey Levy, 14. ágúst 1981, bls. 28.

32. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe eftir Robert Jastrow, 1981, bls. 19.

a. Life Itself, bls. 71.

b. National Geographic, „The Awesome Worlds Within a Cell“ eftir Rick Gore, september 1976, bls. 357, 358, 360.

c. Newsweek, „The Secrets of the Human Cell“ eftir Peter Gwynne, Sharon Begley og Mary Hager, 20. ágúst 1979, bls. 48.

d. The Limitations of Science eftir J. W. N. Sullivan, 1933, bls. 95.

e. Reader’s Digest, janúar 1963, bls. 92.

f. Scientific American, ágúst 1954, bls. 46.

g. Life Itself, bls. 88.

h. Evolution From Space, bls. 24.

5. kafli

Steingervingaskráin segir frá

1. Processes of Organic Evolution eftir G. Ledyard Stebbins, 1971, bls. 1.

2. Genetics and the Origin of Species eftir Theodosius Dobzhansky, 1951, bls. 4.

3. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa frá 1902, annar hluti, bls. 54.

4. New Scientist, umsögn Tom Kemp um bókina The New Evolutionary Timetable eftir Steven M. Stanley, 4. febrúar 1982, bls. 320.

5. Uppruni tegundanna, annar hluti, bls. 55.

6. Sama, bls. 83.

7. Sama, bls. 55.

8. Sama, bls. 83, 88, 91, 92.

9. Sama, bls. 94, 296.

10. Processes of Organic Evolution, bls. 136.

11. New Scientist, 15. janúar 1981, bls. 129.

12. A Guide to Earth History eftir Richard Carrington, 1956, bls. 48.

13. The New Evolutionary Timetable eftir Steven M. Stanley, 1981, bls. 6.

14. A View of Life eftir Salvador E. Luria, Stephen Jay Gould og Sam Singer, 1981, bls. 642.

15. Synthetische Artbildung eftir Heribert Nilsson, 1953, bls. 1212.

16. Red Giants and White Dwarfs eftir Robert Jastrow, 1979, bls. 97.

17. Evolution From Space eftir Fred Hoyle og Chandra Wickramasinghe, 1981, bls. 8.

18. Red Giants and White Dwarfs, bls. 249.

19. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe eftir Robert Jastrow, 1981, bls. 23.

20. A View of Life, bls. 638, 649.

21. Uppruni tegundanna, annar hluti, bls. 90.

22. Natural History, „Darwin and the Fossil Record“ eftir Alfred S. Romer, október 1959, bls. 466, 467.

23. A View of Life, bls. 651.

24. Times, Kent, Englandi, „Scientist Rejects Evolution,“ 11. desember 1975, bls. 4.

25. Liberty, „Evolution or Creation?“ eftir Harold G. Coffin, september/október 1975, bls. 12.

26. The New Evolutionary Timetable, bls. xv.

27. The New York Times, „Prehistoric Gnat,“ 3. október 1982, 1. hluti, bls. 49.

28. The Globe and Mail, Tórontó, „That’s Life,“ 5. október 1982, bls. 6.

29. Discover, „The Tortoise or the Hare?“ eftir James Gorman, október 1980, bls. 89.

30. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Chicago, „Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology“ eftir David M. Raup, janúar 1979, bls. 23.

31. New Scientist, 4. febrúar 1982, bls. 320.

32. Processes of Organic Evolution, bls. 147.

33. The New Evolutionary Timetable, bls. 95.

34. Should Evolution Be Taught? eftir ­John N. Moore, 1970, bls. 9, 14, 24; New Scientist, „Letters,“ 15. september 1983, bls. 798.

35. On Growth and Form eftir D’Arcy Thompson, 1959, II. bindi, bls. 1093, 1094.

36. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, 6. bindi, bls. 333.

37. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, 7. bindi, bls. 13.

38. The Neck of the Giraffe eftir Francis Hitching, 1982, bls. 31.

39. The New Evolutionary Timetable, bls. 4, 96.

40. Order: In Life eftir Edmund Samuel, 1972, bls. 120.

41. Liberty, september/október 1975, bls. 14.

42. Cosmos eftir Carl Sagan, 1980, bls. 29.

a. The Enchanted Loom, bls. 29.

b. The New Evolutionary Timetable, bls. 4, 5.

c. The World We Live In eftir Lincoln ­Barnett, 1955, bls. 93.

d. Red Giants and White Dwarfs, bls. 224.

e. Science, 23. febrúar 1973, bls. 789.

f. Red Giants and White Dwarfs, bls. 249.

g. The Natural History of Palms eftir E. J. H. Corner, 1966, bls. 254.

h. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, 7. bindi, bls. 565.

i. The Insects eftir Peter Farb, 1962, bls. 14.

j. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, 7. bindi, bls. 567.

k. Marvels & Mysteries of Our Animal World, í útgáfu The Reader’s Digest Association, 1964, bls. 25.

l. The Fishes eftir F. D. Ommanney, 1964, bls. 64.

m. The Reptiles eftir Archie Carr, 1963, bls. 37.

n. Sama, bls. 41.

o. The Mammals eftir Richard Carrington, 1963, bls. 37.

p. Processes of Organic Evolution, bls. 146.

q. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, 2. bindi, bls. 291.

r. The Primates eftir Sarel Eimerl og Irven DeVore, 1965, bls. 15.

s. Science Digest, „The Water People“ eftir Lyall Watson, maí 1982, bls. 44.

t. Science Digest, „Miracle Mutations“ eftir John Gliedman, febrúar 1982, bls. 90.

u. The New Evolutionary Timetable, bls. 5.

6. kafli

Gjárnar miklu — getur þróun brúað þær?

1. The Neck of the Giraffe eftir Francis Hitching, 1982, bls. 19.

2. Sama, bls. 20.

3. The Origin of Vertebrates eftir N. J. Berrill, 1955, bls. 10.

4. The Fishes eftir F. D. Ommanney, 1964, bls. 65.

5. Life on Earth eftir David Attenborough, 1979, bls. 137.

6. The Reptiles eftir Archie Carr, 1963, bls. 36.

7. Sama, bls. 37.

8. Red Giants and White Dwarfs eftir Robert Jastrow, 1979, bls. 253.

9. Human Destiny eftir Lecomte du Noüy, 1947, bls. 72.

10. The Birds eftir Roger Tory Peterson, 1963, bls. 34.

11. Sama.

12. The Neck of the Giraffe, bls. 34, 35; Science, „Feathers of Archaeopteryx: Asymmetric Vanes Indicate Aerody­namic Function“ eftir Alan Feduccia og Harrison B. Tordoff, 9. mars 1979, bls. 1021, 1022.

13. Evolution, Genetics, and Man eftir Theodosius Dobzhansky, 1955, bls. 293.

14. Sama, bls. 295.

15. Populations, Species, and Evolution eftir Ernst Mayr, 1970, bls. 375.

16. The Brain: The Last Frontier eftir Richard M. Restak, 1979, bls. 162.

17. Evolution From Space eftir Fred Hoyle og Chandra Wickramasinghe, 1981, bls. 111.

7. kafli

Hvað voru „apamennirnir“?

1. Science 81, „How Ape Became Man“ eftir Donald C. Johanson og Maitland A. Edey, apríl 1981, bls. 45.

2. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind eftir Donald C. Johanson og Maitland A. Edey, 1981, bls. 31.

3. Boston Magazine, „Stephen Jay Gould: Defending Darwin“ eftir Carl Oglesby, febrúar 1981, bls. 52.

4. Lucy, bls. 27.

5. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, „Fifty Years of Studies on Human Evolution“ eftir Sherwood Washburn, maí 1982, bls. 37, 41.

6. Spectator, The University of Iowa, apríl 1973, bls. 4.

7. New Scientist, „Whatever Happened to Zinjanthropus?“ eftir John Reader, ­26. mars 1981, bls. 802.

8. Origins eftir Richard E. Leakey og ­Roger Lewin, 1977, bls. 55.

9. Science, „The Politics of Paleoanthropology“ eftir Constance Holden, ­14. ágúst 1981, bls. 737.

10. Newsweek, „Bones and Prima Donnas“ eftir Peter Gwynne, John Carey og Lea Donosky, 16. febrúar 1981, bls. 77.

11. The New York Times, „How Old Is Man?“ eftir Nicholas Wade, 4. október 1982, bls. A18.

12. Science Digest, „The Water People“ eftir Lyall Watson, maí 1982, bls. 44.

13. The Mismeasure of Man eftir Stephen Jay Gould, 1981, bls. 324.

14. The Universe Within eftir Morton Hunt, 1982, bls. 45.

15. Science Digest, „Miracle Mutations“ eftir John Gliedman, febrúar 1982, bls. 91.

16. Newsweek, „Is Man a Subtle Accident?“ eftir Jerry Adler og John Carey, 3. nóvember 1980, bls. 95.

17. Science 81, „Human Evolution: Smooth or Jumpy?“ september 1981, bls. 7.

18. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, „Myths and Methods in Anatomy“ eftir Solly Zuckerman, janúar 1966, bls. 90.

19. National Geographic, „Skull 1470“ eftir Richard E. Leakey, júní 1973, bls. 819.

20. The Boston Globe, „He’s Shaking Mankind’s Family Tree“ eftir Joel N. Shurkin, 4. desember 1973, bls. 1.

21. The New York Times, 4. október 1982, bls. A18.

22. Discover, ritdómur James Gormans um bókina The Myths of Human Evolution eftir Niles Eldredge og Ian Tattersall, janúar 1983, bls. 83, 84.

23. The Biology of Race eftir James C. King, 1971, bls. 135, 151.

24. Science Digest, „Anthro Art,“ apríl 1981, bls. 41.

25. Lucy, bls. 286.

26. New Scientist, ritdómur um bókina Not From the Apes: Man’s Origins and Evolution eftir Björn Kurtén, 3. ágúst 1972, bls. 259.

27. The Neck of the Giraffe eftir Francis Hitching, 1982, bls. 224.

28. Man, God and Magic eftir Ivar Lissner, 1961, bls. 304.

29. Missing Links eftir John Reader, 1981, bls. 109, 110; Hen’s Teeth and Horse’s Toes eftir Stephen Jay Gould, 1983, pp. 201-226.

30. Lucy, bls. 315.

31. Origins, bls. 40.

32. Time, „Just a Nasty Little Thing,“ 18. febrúar 1980, bls. 58.

33. The New York Times, „Monkeylike African Primate Called Common Ancestor of Man and Apes“ eftir Bayard Webster, 7. febrúar 1980, bls. A14; „Fossils Bolster a Theory on Man’s Earliest Ancestor“ eftir Bayard Webster, 1. janúar 1984, 1. hluti, bls. 16.

34. Origins, bls. 52.

35. Sama, bls. 56.

36. Sama, bls. 67.

37. The New York Times, „Time to Revise the Family Tree?“ 14. febrúar 1982, bls. E7.

38. New Scientist, „Jive Talking“ eftir John Gribbin, 24. júní 1982, bls. 873.

39. Natural History, „False Start of the Human Parade“ eftir Adrienne L. Zihlman og Jerold M. Lowenstein, ágúst/september 1979, bls. 86.

40. The Social Contract eftir Robert Ardrey, 1970, bls. 299.

41. The New York Times, „Bone Traces Man Back 5 Million Years“ eftir Robert Reinhold, 19. febrúar 1971, bls. 1.

42. Man, Time, and Fossils eftir Ruth Moore, 1961, bls. 5, 6, 316.

43. The New Evolutionary Timetable eftir Steven M. Stanley, 1981, bls. 142.

44. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, janúar 1966, bls. 93.

45. Beyond the Ivory Tower eftir Solly ­Zuckerman, 1970, bls. 90.

46. Lucy, bls. 38.

47. Origins, bls. 86.

48. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe eftir Robert Jastrow, 1981, bls. 114.

49. New Scientist, „Trees Have Made Man Upright“ eftir Jeremy Cherfas, ­20. janúar 1983, bls. 172.

50. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, 8. bindi, bls. 1032.

51. Ice eftir Fred Hoyle, 1981, bls. 35.

52. Lucy, bls. 29.

53. Popular Science, „How Old Is It?“ eftir Robert Gannon, nóvember 1979, bls. 81.

54. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, „Radiocarbon Dating Wrong,“ 18. janúar 1976, bls. C8.

55. The Fate of the Earth eftir Jonathan Schell, 1982, bls. 181.

56. The Last Two Million Years, í útgáfu The Reader’s Digest Association, 1974, bls. 9, 29.

57. Science, „Radiocarbon Dating“ eftir W. F. Libby, 3. mars 1961, bls. 624.

58. Esquire, ritdómur Malcolm Muggeridge um bókina The Ascent of Man eftir Jacob Bronowski, júlí 1974, bls. 53.

8. kafli

Stökkbreytingar — undirstaða þróunar?

1. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, 13. bindi, bls. 809.

2. The New Evolutionary Timetable eftir Steven M. Stanley, 1981, bls. 65.

3. Chromosomes and Genes eftir Peo C. Koller, 1971, bls. 127.

4. Red Giants and White Dwarfs eftir Robert Jastrow, 1979, bls. 250.

5. Cosmos eftir Carl Sagan, 1980, bls. 27.

6. Science Digest, „Miracle Mutations“ eftir John Gliedman, febrúar 1982, bls. 92.

7. Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, 10. bindi, bls. 742.

8. Cosmos, bls. 31.

9. Chromosomes and Genes, bls. 127.

10. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1959, 22. bindi, bls. 989.

11. The Toronto Star, „Crusade to Unravel Life’s Sweet Mystery“ eftir Helen Bullock, 19. desember 1981, bls. A13.

12. Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, 10. bindi, bls. 742.

13. Processes of Organic Evolution eftir G. Ledyard Stebbins, 1971, bls. 24, 25.

14. The Wellsprings of Life eftir Isaac Asimov, 1960, bls. 139.

15. Heredity and the Nature of Man eftir Theodosius Dobzhansky, 1964, bls. 126.

16. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1982, 6. bindi, bls. 332.

17. Heredity and the Nature of Man, bls. 126.

18. Scientific American, „Inducible Repair of DNA“ eftir Paul Howard-Flanders, nóvember 1981, bls. 72.

19. Darwin Retried eftir Norman Macbeth, 1971, bls. 33.

20. The International Wildlife Encyclopedia, 1970, 20. bindi, bls. 2706.

21. Red Giants and White Dwarfs, bls. 235.

22. On Call, 3. júlí 1972, bls. 9.

23. Evolution From Space eftir Fred Hoyle og Chandra Wickramasinghe, 1981, bls. 5.

24. On Call, 3. júlí 1972, bls. 8, 9.

25. Science, „Evolutionary Theory Under Fire“ eftir Roger Lewin, 21. nóvember 1980, bls. 884.

26. Molecules to Living Cells, „Simple Inorganic Molecules to Complex Free-Living Cells,“ Scientific American, I. hluti, inngangsorð eftir Philip C. Hanawalt, 1980, bls. 3.

27. Symbiosis in Cell Evolution eftir Lynn Margulis, 1981, bls. 87.

28. Scientific American, „The Genetic Control of the Shape of a Virus“ eftir Edouard Kellenberger, desember 1966, bls. 32.

29. Los Angeles Times, „Fishing for Evolution’s Answer“ eftir Irving S. Bengelsdorf, 2. nóvember 1967.

30. The Orion Book of Evolution eftir Jean Rostand, 1961, bls. 79.

31. Science Today, „Evolution“ eftir C. H. Waddington, 1961, bls. 38.

32. On Chromosomes, Mutations, and Phylogeny eftir John N. Moore, 27. desember 1971, bls. 5.

9. kafli

Hinn mikilfenglegi alheimur

1. National Geographic, „The Incredible Universe“ eftir Kenneth F. Weaver, maí 1974, bls. 589.

2. World Press Review, með tilvísun til tímaritsins Maclean’s, „Astronomy’s Coming Breakthroughs“ eftir Terence Dickinson, mars 1982, bls. 35.

3. National Geographic, maí 1974, bls. 592.

4. Discover, „View From the Corner of the Eye“ eftir Lewis Thomas, apríl 1981, bls. 69.

5. Ensk-íslensk orðabók eftir Sören Sörenson, Örn og Örlygur, 1984, bls. 222.

6. Reader’s Digest, júlí 1962, bls. 38.

7. The New York Times Magazine, „The Universe and Dr. Hawking“ eftir Michael Harwood, 23. janúar 1983, bls. 53.

8. National Enquirer, 10. febrúar 1976.

9. Science News, „The Universe: Chaotic or Bioselective?“ eftir Dietrick E. Thomsen, 24. og 31. ágúst 1974, bls. 124.

10. Cosmos eftir Carl Sagan, 1980, bls. 21.

11. The Universe eftir Josip Kleczek, 1976, 11. bindi, bls. 17.

12. Life Itself eftir Francis Crick, 1981, bls. 30.

13. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe eftir Robert Jastrow, 1981, bls. 16.

14. New Scientist, „Taking the Lid Off ­Cosmology“ eftir John Gribbin, 16. ágúst 1979, bls. 506.

10. kafli

Einstök reikistjarna ber vitni

1. Science, „The Uniqueness of the Earth’s Climate“ eftir Allen L. Hammond, 24. janúar 1975, bls. 245.

2. Discover, „View From the Corner of the Eye“ eftir Lewis Thomas, apríl 1981, bls. 69.

3. The Earth eftir Arthur Beiser, 1963, bls. 10.

4. Scientific American, „Energy in the Universe“ eftir Freeman J. Dyson, september 1971, bls. 59.

5. Science News, „The Universe: Chaotic or Bioselective?“ eftir Dietrick E. Thomsen, 24. og 31. ágúst 1974, bls. 124.

6. The New England Journal of Medicine, 13. september 1973, 289. bindi, bls. 577.

11. kafli

Hin furðulega gerð lifandi vera

1. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa Mentors, 1958, bls. 90.

2. Discover, „Evolution as Fact and Theory“ eftir Stephen Jay Gould, maí 1981, bls. 35.

3. The Great Evolution Mystery eftir Gordon Rattray Taylor, 1983, bls. 233.

4. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, „Conflicts Between Darwin and ­Paleontology“ eftir David M. Raup, janúar 1979, bls. 26.

5. Scientific American, „Adaptation“ eftir Richard Lewontin, september 1978, bls. 213.

6. The Center of Life eftir L. L. Larison Cudmore, 1977, bls. 13, 14.

7. The River of Life eftir Rutherford Platt, 1956, bls. 116.

8. The Center of Life, bls. 16, 17.

9. Biology eftir Helena Curtis, 1983, fjórða útgáfa, bls. 484.

10. Life on Earth eftir David Attenborough, 1979, bls. 26, 29.

11. Science Digest, „Earth’s Odd Couples“ eftir Mary Batten, nóvember/desember 1980, bls. 66.

12. The Center of Life, bls. 137, 138.

13. The New York Times, „Materialism Hit by Dr. Millikan,“ 30. apríl 1948, bls. 21.

a. The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds eftir John K. Terres, 1980, bls. 833, 834.

12. kafli

Hver varð fyrri til?

1. The Center of Life eftir L. L. Larison Cudmore, 1977, bls. 23, 24.

2. Wie das Leben leben lernte eftir Helmut Tributsch, 1976, bls. 198.

3. The Atlantic Monthly, „Debating the Unknowable“ eftir Lewis Thomas, júlí 1981, bls. 49.

4. Science News Letter, 23./30. ágúst 1975, bls. 126.

5. Wie das Leben leben lernte, bls. 168.

6. Smithsonian, „Bacteria’s Motors Work in Forward, Reverse and ‚Twiddle‘“ eftir Leo Janos, september 1983, bls. 134.

7. Wie das Leben leben lernte, bls. 71.

13. kafli

Eðlishvöt — ásköpuð viska

1. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa Mentors, 1958, bls. 228.

2. The Great Evolution Mystery eftir Gordon Rattray Taylor, 1983, bls. 221, 222.

3. The Birds eftir Roger Tory Peterson, 1963, bls. 106.

4. A View of Life eftir Salvador E. Luria, Stephen Jay Gould og Sam Singer, 1981, bls. 556.

5. Life on Earth eftir David Attenborough, 1979, bls. 184.

6. The Story of Pollination eftir B. J. D. Meeuse, 1961, bls. 171.

7. Wie das Leben leben lernte eftir Helmut Tributsch, 1976, bls. 23.

a. The Great Evolution Mystery, bls. 221.

14. kafli

Maðurinn — hið mikla kraftaverk

1. The Brain: The Last Frontier eftir Richard M. Restak, 1979, bls. 390.

2. The Universe Within eftir Morton Hunt, 1982, bls. 44.

3. Scientific American, „Thinking About the Brain“ eftir Francis Crick, september 1979, bls. 229, 230.

4. Sama, „The Development of the Brain“ eftir W. Maxwell Cowan, bls. 131.

5. Sama, „The Brain“ eftir David H. Hubel, bls. 52.

6. The Brain: The Last Frontier, bls. 158.

7. The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind eftir Jack Fincher, 1981, bls. 37.

8. Cosmos eftir Carl Sagan, 1980, bls. 278.

9. The Universe Within, bls. 44.

10. Scientific American, „Specializations ­of the Human Brain“ eftir Norman ­Geschwind, september 1979, bls. 180.

11. The Universe Within, bls. 166.

12. Sama, bls. 227-229.

13. The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind, bls. 59.

14. The Brain: The Last Frontier, bls. 331.

15. Sama.

16. Science News Letter, „List 2,000 Languages,“ 3. september 1955, bls. 148.

17. Man: His First Million Years eftir Ashley Montagu, 1962, bls. 102.

18. The Brain: The Last Frontier, bls. 332, 333.

19. Programs of the Brain eftir J. Z. Young, 1978, bls. 186.

20. The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind, bls. 53.

21. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1976, Macropædia, 12. bindi, bls. 998.

22. The Brain: The Last Frontier, bls. 59, 69.

23. Cosmos, bls. 278.

24. The Selfish Gene eftir Richard Dawkins, 1976, bls. 4, 215.

25. Cosmos, bls. 330.

a. Why We Believe in Creation Not Evolution eftir Fred J. Meldau, 1964, bls. 238.

b. Sama.

c. Scientific American, september 1979, bls. 219.

d. Los Angeles Times, „Network in Human Brain Shames Man-Made Variety“ eftir Irving S. Bengelsdorf, 8. október 1967.

e. The Universe Within, bls. 85.

f. The Brain: The Last Frontier, bls. 162.

g. Sama, bls. 58, 59.

h. Reader’s Digest, „Thoughts of a Brain Surgeon“ eftir Robert J. White, september 1978, bls. 99, 100.

15. kafli

Hvers vegna trúa margir þróunarkenningunni?

1. American Laboratory, „The Editor’s Page“ eftir Donald F. Calbreath, nóvember 1980, bls. 10.

2. New Scientist, „The Necessity of Darwinism“ eftir Richard Dawkins, 15. apríl 1982, bls. 130.

3. Impact, september 1981, bls. ii.

4. New Scientist, „Letters,“ 13. maí 1982, bls. 450.

5. A View of Life eftir Salvador E. Luria, Stephen Jay Gould og Sam Singer, 1981, bls. 574.

6. Sama, bls. 575.

7. Missing Links eftir John Reader, 1981, bls. 10, 81, 209, 226.

8. Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, útgáfa frá 1956, inngangsorð eftir W. R. Thompson, bls. viii, xii.

9. Sama, bls. xxi, xxii.

10. The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee, „Darwin Issue Draws Rebuff of Professor“ eftir Arthur J. Snider, 9. september 1973, 1. hluti, bls. 21.

11. Evolution From Space eftir Fred Hoyle og Chandra Wickramasinghe, 1981, bls. 137.

12. Hospital Practice, september 1981, bls. 17.

13. New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, V. bindi, bls. 694.

14. Nature, „Twelve Wise Men at the Vatican“ eftir J. M. Lowenstein, 30. september 1982, bls. 395.

17. kafli

Er hægt að treysta Biblíunni?

1. Free Inquiry, „The Bible as a ­Political Weapon“ eftir Gerald Larue, ­sumarið 1983, bls. 39.

2. Scientific Monthly, „Geology and Health“ eftir Harry V. Warren, júní 1954, bls. 396.

3. Cook’s Commentary, gefin út af F. C. Cook, 1878, IV. bindi, bls. 96.

4. Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, 9. bindi, bls. 553.

5. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1984, 20. bindi, bls. 136.

6. God and the Astronomers eftir Robert Jastrow, 1978, bls. 11, 14.

7. Sama, bls. 16.

8. The Saturday Evening Post, „Riddle of the Frozen Giants“ eftir Ivan T. Sanderson, 16. janúar 1960, bls. 82, 83.

9. The New Dictionary of Thoughts, 1954, upphaflega í samantekt Tryon Edwards. Endurskoðuð af C. N. Catrevas og Jonathan Edwards, bls. 534.

10. The Physician Examines the Bible eftir C. Raimer Smith, 1950, bls. 354.

11. The Papyrus Ebers eftir C. P. Bryan, 1931, bls. 73, 91, 92.

12. None of These Diseases eftir S. I. McMillen, 1963, bls. 23.

13. Encyclopedia Americana, 1956, 18. bindi, bls. 582b.

14. The Lancet, „Mental Health and Spiritual Values“ eftir Geoffrey Vickers, 12. mars 1955, bls. 524.

15. Today’s Health, „How to Avoid Harmful Stress“ eftir J. D. Ratcliff, júlí 1970, bls. 43.

16. A Few Buttons Missing eftir James T. Fisher og Lowell S. Hawley, 1951, bls. 273.

17. Abraham, Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins eftir Leonard Woolley, 1935, bls. 22.

18. The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, „Exodus,“ gefið út af J. H. Hertz, 1951, bls. 106.

19. From the Stone Age to Christianity eftir William Foxwell Albright, 1940, bls. 192, 193.

20. The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, bls. 106.

21. Digging Up the Bible eftir Moshe Pearl­man, 1980, bls. 85.

22. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, gefið út af James B. Pritchard, 1969, bls. 284, 285.

23. Digging Up the Bible, bls. 85.

24. Sama.

25. Ancient Near Eastern Texts, bls. 288.

26. Universal Jewish History eftir Philip ­Biberfeld, 1948, I. bindi, bls. 27.

27. Nabonidus and Belshazzar eftir Raymond Philip Dougherty, 1929, bls. 200.

28. The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 24. mars 1980, „Unearthing Pontius Pilate“ eftir Michael J. Howard, bls. B1, B2.

29. The Bible as History eftir Werner Keller, útgáfa frá 1964, bls. 161.

30. Living With the Bible eftir Moshe Dayan, 1978, bls. 39.

31. The Sun, San Bernardino, Kaliforníu, 19. október 1967, bls. B-12.

32. The Bible and Archæology eftir Frederic Kenyon, 1940, bls. 279.

33. Rivers of the Desert eftir Nelson Glueck, 1959, bls. 31.

18. kafli

Er Biblían innblásin af Guði?

1. The Encyclopædia Britannica, 1971, 22. bindi, bls. 452.

2. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1984, 19. bindi, bls. 445.

3. Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, 27. bindi, bls. 331.

4. Biblical Researches in Palestine eftir E. Robinson og E. Smith, 1856, II. bindi, bls. 463.

5. Great Books of the Western World, gefin út af Robert Maynard Hutchins, 1952, 6. bindi, bls. 43.

6. Sama.

7. Sama.

8. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, gefin út af James B. Pritchard, 1969, bls. 316.

9. Archaeology and Bible History eftir Joseph P. Free, endurskoðuð 1962, bls. 284.

10. The Works of Flavius Josephus, Wars of the Jews, frá enskri þýðingu William Whistons, 1874, II. bók, kafli XIX, gr. 7, bls. 642.

11. The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus, frá enskri þýðingu Christian Frederick Cruse, ágúst 1977, níunda prentun, bls. 86.

12. Josephus, Wars of the Jews, V. bók, kafli XII, gr. 3, bls. 734.

13. Josephus, Wars of the Jews, VII. bók, kafli I, gr. 1, bls. 762.

14. Josephus, Wars of the Jews, VI. bók, kafli IX, gr. 3, bls. 760.

15. The First World War eftir Richard Tho­umin, tilvitnun í formála, 1964, bls. 10.

16. Der Spiegel, nr. 27, 5. júlí 1982, bls. 119.

17. Times, Lundúnum, „Malnutrition Now Afflicts a Thousand Million People,“ 3. júní 1980, bls. 10.

18. The Globe and Mail, Tórontó, „The Vital Task of Finding Food for a World Already Reeling With Hunger“ eftir A. Roy Megarry, 8. nóvember 1983, bls. 7.

19. The Guardian, Lundúnum, „Millions Starve as Worldwide Disaster Hits“ eftir Victoria Brittain, 30. september 1983, bls. 10.

20. Time, „China’s Killer Quake,“ 25. júní 1979, bls. 25.

21. Il Piccolo, 8. október 1978.

22. Science Digest, „1918: The Plague Year“ eftir Joseph E. Persico, mars 1977, bls. 79.

23. U.S.News & World Report, „Terrorism: Old Menace in New Guise,“ viðtal við Walter Laqueur, 22. maí 1978, bls. 35.

24. Die Welt, 18. janúar 1979, bls. 17.

25. The West Parker, Cleveland, Ohio, 20. janúar 1966, bls. 1.

26. The New York Times, „Macmillan, at Yale, Reflects on Change,“ 23. nóvember 1980, bls. 51.

27. 1913: America Between Two Worlds eftir Alan Valentine, 1962, bls. xiii.

28. Þú getur lifað að eilífu í paradís á jörð, gefin út af Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1982, bls. 136-141.

29. The World Magazine, 30. ágúst 1914.

30. Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, sex prédikanir eftir Martin Niemöller, bls. 27, 28.