This issue discusses Bible prophecies that affect us today and how we can learn from the qualities of Jehovah and Jesus.

Uko iyi si izarangira

The Bible tells of ten significant events soon to come. What are these? How will they affect you?

Amahoro mu gihe cy’imyaka igihumbi na nyuma yaho

Consider how Jesus’ Kingdom rule will bring blessings to mankind.

Amashuri ya gitewokarasi ni ikimenyetso kigaragaza urukundo rwa Yehova

Ni mu buhe buro buri wese muri twe yakungukirwa n’inyigisho ziva ku Mana?

Twigane umuco wo kwihangana wa Yehova na Yesu

How do Jehovah and Jesus show that they are patient? What can we do to imitate their patience?

‘Ntimuzi umunsi n’isaha’

What did Jesus mean by these words? What effect should they have on each of us?

Yehova akoranyiriza hamwe abagize ubwoko bwe barangwa n’ibyishimo

How are the festivals in the Bible similar to conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why is it good for us to attend?