Muqaddas Kitob ta’limotlari

Muqaddas Kitobni tadqiq qilish sizga turli mavzularni bilib olishga yordam beradi, masalan, nega biz azob chekyapmiz, o‘limdan keyin hayot bormi, oylaviy baxtning siri nimada, va boshqa mavzular.

Nahotki bu Xudoning irodasi bo‘lsa?

Azoblar bugun ko‘payotgani sizni taajubga solyaptimi? Shu haqida Muqaddas Kitobning aniq javobini bilish sizga qanday foyda keltiradi?

1- BOB

Xudo to‘g‘risida haqiqat

Xudo shahsan sizga g‘amxurlik qiladi deb uylaysizmi? Xudo, uni tanib-bilishingizni, va unga yaqinlashishingizni xohlaydi.

2- BOB

Muqaddas Kitob — Xudodandir

Muammolaringizni yengish uchun Muqaddas Kitob yordam bera oladimi? Nega bashoratlariga ishonishingiz mumkin?

3- BOB

Xudoning Yer uchun niyati qanday?

Xudo, yerni jannat qilish niyatini amalga oshiradimi? Oshirsa, qachon?

4- BOB

Iso Masih — kim?

Nega Iso va’da qilingan Masih deb nomlangan, nega shu yerga keldi, nima uchun U Yahovaning yagona O‘g‘li deb atalgan.

5- BOB

To‘lov — Xudoning qimmatbaho hadyasi

What is the ransom? How can you benefit from it?

6- BOB

O‘limdan keyin hayot bormi?

Learn what the Bible says about where the dead are and why humans die.

7- BOB

O‘lganlar uchun haqiqiy umid

Have you lost a loved one in death? Is it possible to see them again? Learn what the Bible teaches about resurrection.

8- BOB

Xudoning Shohligi — u nima o‘zi?

Many people know the Lord’s Prayer. What is the meaning of the phrase: “Let your kingdom come”?

9- BOB

Chindan ham «oxirzamonda» yashayapmizmi?

Consider how actions and attitudes around us prove that we are now living in “the last days” that the Bible foretold.

10- BOB

Ilohiy zotlarning ta’siri

The Bible speaks of angels and demons. Can these spirit creatures be real? Can they affect your life?

11- BOB

Nega Xudo azob-uqubatlarga yo‘l qo‘ydi?

Many think God is to blame for all the suffering in the world. What do you think? Learn what God says about the reasons for suffering.

12- BOB

Xudo ma’qullaydigan turmush tarzi

It is possible to live a life pleasing to Jehovah. In fact, you can become his friend.

13- BOB

Xudoning hayotga bo‘lgan nuqtai nazari

How does God view abortion, blood transfusions, and the life of an animal?

14- BOB

Baxtli oilaviy hayot

The love Jesus showed is an example that husbands, wives, parents, and children can imitate. What do we learn from him?

15- BOB

Xudo ma’qul deb bilgan topinish

Consider six features that identify those who practice true religion.

16- BOB

Haqiqat yo‘lini tuting

What challenges might you face when sharing your beliefs with others? How can you do so without offending them?

17- BOB

Ibodat orqali Xudoga yaqinlashing

Does God listen when you pray? To answer that question, you need to understand what the Bible teaches about prayer.

18- BOB

Xudoning do‘sti bo‘lish uchun nima qilish kerak?

What steps are needed to qualify for Christian baptism? Learn what it symbolizes and how it should be performed.

19- BOB

Xudoning mehr-muhabbati soyasida saqlaning

How can we show love and gratitude for all that God has done?


Ilohiy ismning qo‘llanilishi va ma’nosi

God’s personal name has been removed from many Bible translations. Why? Is using God’s name important?


Masih haqida Doniyor payg‘ambarning bashorati

More than 500 years in advance, God revealed the exact time when the Messiah would arrive. Learn about this fascinating prophecy!


Iso Masih — va’da qilingan Zot

Jesus fulfilled all the Bible prophecies about the Messiah. Verify in your Bible that these prophecies were fulfilled in every detail.


Ota, o‘g‘il va muqaddas ruh to‘g‘risida haqiqat

Many people believe that the Trinity doctrine is taught in the Bible. Is that true?


Nega masihchilar xochga sig‘inmaydilar

Did Jesus really die on a cross? Read the answer from the Bible itself.


Qutlug‘ Kechlik — Xudoni sharaflaydigan marosim

Christians are commanded to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death. When and how should it be observed?


Jon bilan ruh nima o‘zi?

Many think that at death an invisible part of a human leaves the body and lives on. What does God’s Word tell us?


«Sheo‘l» bilan «Hades» nima degani?

Some Bible translations use the words “grave” or “hell” for Sheol and Hades. What do these words really mean?


Qiyomat kuni — u qanday kun o‘zi?

Learn how Judgment Day will be a blessing to all faithful mankind.


1914- yil — Muqaddas Kitob bashoratiga ko‘ra eng muhim sana

What Biblical evidence is there that 1914 was a significant year?


Mikoil — kim o‘zi?

The Bible tells the identity of this powerful archangel. Learn more about him and what he is doing now.


«Buyuk Bobil» nimani anglatadi?

The book of Revelation speaks of a woman named “Babylon the Great.” Is she a literal woman? What does the Bible say about her?


Hazrati Iso qishda tug‘ilganmikin?

Consider the weather conditions at the time of the year Jesus was born. What does that tell us?


Bayramlarga qanday nuqtai nazarda bo‘lish kerak?

What are the origins of many of the holidays that are popular where you live? The answers may surprise you.