Make Your Message Touch the Heart of People
Proverbs 3:1
WETIN YOU NEED TO DO: Help your audience to understand wetin them de learn and practice-am.
Help the people to use wetin them de learn check theirself well. Ask your audience the kind question wey e go help them think.
Talk something wey go touch their good heart. Help them to check why them de do good things. Help them to see the reason why they love to do good—love for Jehovah, love for people and for wetin Bible de teach. Help your audience see the sense wey Bible de give; but no talk-am like say you de lecture them. Instead of to talk wetin go make shame catch them or make their conscience de judge them, sofri help them to feel good and encourage them with your talk to do their best.
Give Jehovah the praise. Use wetin Bible de teach, and the advice wey Bible de give show the fine-fine quality wey God get and the kind love wey e get for us. Help them see why e good to always think of wetin Jehovah go like and de do wetin go make Jehovah happy.